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sodium erythorbate中文是什么意思

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  • 赤山梨酸钠;异抗坏血酸钠
  • 异抗坏血酸钠


  • Sodium erythorbate fcciv
  • D - sodium erythorbate
  • The result showed that non - enzymatic browning of greengage juice could be inhibited and natural primrose yellow could be kept in the plasming of greengage by adding 0 . 2 % ( mass fraction ) sodium erythorbate ; non - enzymatic browning of greengage juice was restrained more remarkably by vacuum concentration than by normal pressure concentration ; the non - enzymatic browning of greengage juice increased and the color darkened with the increase of concentration and processing temperature ; non - enzymatic browning of greengage juice in the storage could be inhibited under the condition of low temperature , and frozen storage was the best store method of greengage concentrated juice
    摘要结果表明:在青梅果打浆时加入质量分数为0 . 2 %的异抗坏血酸钠,可防止果汁氧化褐变而保持天然淡黄色泽;减压浓缩较常压浓缩明显抑制了非酶褐变的发生;随着果汁含量和加工温度的提高,非酶褐变加快,色泽加深;低温有利于青梅浓缩汁的贮藏,冷冻贮藏是最佳的贮藏条件。
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